The offline platform includes: NAI Forum, NAI Salon and two journals: NAI Journal and NAI Library. NAI Forum provides a series of financial lectures on frontiers of theory, industry practice and humanistic quality improvement. NAI Salon discusses topics on the academic frontier, industry practice, and hot events in the form of guest sharing with face-to-face interaction. NAI Salon is complementary with NAI forum in content and form. The two journals, NAI Journal and NAI Library publish academic articles and introduces our campus culture and etc..

The online platform is the WeChat ID “NAI Finance Forum”. It is committed to create an academic exchange-sharing platform. It timely publishes articles about the hot issues in finance and economics, policy analysis,industry practice and other professional information. The articles can be divided into five categories: “The Belt and Road”, Financial Fraud,accounting and auditing, public financial and tax research, and economic management. WeChat ID “NAI Finance Forum” is also the live platform for XNAI’s academic activities like “NAI Forum”.
With the online and offline promotion, NAI academic platform gains its influence in academic and practice.

NAI Forum

NAI Salon

WeChat Public Account “NAI Finance Forum”