Feb. XNAI was founded by Minstry of finance.
Jun. President Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Commitee (Governor of Fujian province at that time), inspected the construction site of XNAI.
Oct. The foundation ceremony of XNAI was held.
Sep. The Ministry of Finance appointed Liping DENG as President of XNAI.
Mar. XNAI offered MPAcc programs jointly with Xiamen University.
Nov. The inauguration ceremony of XNAI was held.
Mar. CPC Committee of XNAI was established.
Dec. National Accounting Leading Talents Training Project was initiated.
Mar. Rongji ZHU, former premier of the State Council inspected XNAI.
Jan. Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance appointed Jun ZHANG as Party Secretary of XNAI.
Nov. XNAI held the first Congress Deputy Training Series.
Mar. With the approval of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, XNAI’s qualification to confer master’s degree is granted.
Mar. CFO Training for Large and Medium-sized Organizations was initiated.
Apr. XNAI won the title of “National Afforestation Model Unit”.
Feb. XNAI implemented the President’s Responsibility System under the leadership of Party Committee.
Mar. Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance appointed Guangzhong LIU as Party Secretary of XNAI.
Apr. Ministry of Finance appointed Shizhong HUANG as President of XNAI.
Sep. “NAI Forum“ was launched.
Mar. “NAI Journal“ was published.
Apr. China Financial Fraud Research Center was established in XNAI.
May “The Belt and Road” Financial Development Research Center was set up in XNAI.